
D. M. Needom
Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy
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Feb 2020
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United States
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Author, Podcaster
D.M. Needom has been creating stories since she was a kid. She started committing them to paper when she was in high school. Starting off as a bassist and television model during her first foray into college, she soon discovered her preferred form of education was working in the music and film industries.
Living a fortuitous life, D.M Needom appreciates the amazing opportunities she’s had in her life. Her first stint as a radio personality came after she won a contest for knowing the song of the day. She was a mere blur in My Best Friend’s Wedding as Julia Robert’s ran past while she was an extra. However, the excitement of being on the set made her long to work on other projects. Her longing eventually led her to sign on to a low-budget sitcom, where she was an actress and had many other positions, including line producer. She’s stated numerous times that it was one of her favorite jobs.
Originally from New Orleans, she now calls the North West Burbs of Chicago her home with her two fur babies; Chloe, kitty, and Cami, pup. While she got to experience motherhood being a stepmother, true love was elusive until she met her second husband, with whom she spent sixteen wonderful years together.
Currently, she is working on the follow-up to My Daze with the Dark Muse, and another stand-alone romance for the Better To Burn Out world. She’s also hosting the Better To…Podcast, and embracing her new normal. Besides writing, she enjoys intuitively reading Tarot and Oracle cards for others. While she enjoys a variety of television, movies, video games, and books she has recently realized there isn’t enough in the day to do it all.